Crack Sounds From Refrigerator

Hello, I recently purchased a Samsung French door fridge and a loud pooping noise randomly happens at any time of day or night. Sounds like distant gun shots lol. Reading online, I've come across numerous amounts of complaints and bad reviews on this model.

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Mostly because of poor customer service and an apparent refusal by Samsung that this is an actual manufacturer defect. I also have read that there might be a 'bulletin' of a known repair process that unless the end user demands a fix the repair serviceman will not fix it. Please tell me how I should go about getting a permanent fix for this.

My wife loves the fridge just hates the noise. I have the same defect with a new fridge I bought last month. Friends and family all comment on it when the come over. It scares small children and animals. It's amazing that Samsung is in such denial, but unless it's catching on fire, it's minor in their book.

Despite what Samsung says, the noise will not lessen over time. I've done a lot of research online also, and have seen mention of the same bulliten mentioned. Apparently to fix it, it is accessed from the front of the fridge, and a rigid foam board is put between a hot and cold area of motor, thus providing insulation and minimizing rapid temperature adjustments. Reports of people that have had it done say the noise stops immediately- so there is hope. I'm continuing to pursue resolution, but thought I'd share what I've learned so far.

Hopefully this will start to be addressed in the future. Again, this is just anecdotal evidence, but I've heard the noise myself and yes it was very loud.but 3-4 months later it was completely gone and never happened again.

In every case that I've heard of. There's also plenty of people who don't get the we can figure is that the storage facility where the fridge was at before being shipped to the home had different temperature/humidity conditions and the fridge is just 'getting used to' the new environment. And like the article I linked says, I've heard of this happening with other fridges too, not just Samsung ones, but for those also the noise just goes away with time. Another thing I can say is the newer it is, the louder it is.after about 2 months the volume should be going down even if the noise itself is still happening. What I'm interested in finding out is if anyone still has the noise longer than 3-4 months after installation, OR if they were able to find a way to 'fix' the noise, like that other person was saying about using a rigid foam board or something.

I would be wary of voiding warranty, but if someone has actually 'fixed' it then that would be very interesting to know. On the few occasions a tech was sent to 'fix' this noise, they couldn't find anything wrong with the fridge, nothing was out of spec. After living with this noise for months, and doing a lot of research, I solved the problem and my fridge is quiet. You need to call Samsung, request a service visit (more like demand given their reluctance). There is an padded aluminum mat that is installed behind the evaporator (accessed through the front of the fridge). I provides insulation from temperature changes and eliminates the noise all together.

It's quite amazing how it stops immediately after this cheap mat is installed. Samsung has a service bulliten on this problem, so they are aware of this problem, as was their certified repair company.

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Crack Sounds From Refrigerator Repair

I understand why this may not warrent a recall, but not to be forthcoming on the service bulletin is disingenuous. The user called 'Thortok' above quoted Samsung verbatim, saying it's normal and it will go away. Neither are true!!

Don't accept that response- you can get this fixed. It takes 15 minutes for the technician to do the work, and unfortunately hours of time hassling Samsung to get someone out to fix it. Don't give up hope! Confirming that there is a fix: service person immediately knew what I meant, and also what the fix was, withing 2 sentences of my describing the problem (I also had a recording but he didn't need to hear it). He ordered the padded aluminum foil-covered mat and installed it behind the defrost heater in the back of the fridge. Loud snaps and pops ceased as of that moment, I haven't had any more in the 2 days since, vs. Multiple times each day before that.

BTW, Samsung did their best to discourage and refuse me getting this fix - multiple times. I was told both online and over the phone that it was normal, just plastic adjusting to temp difference - totally wrong, it's the aluminum defroster coils cooling after a defrost cycle, like car engines popping in the summer when the car is turned off, per the service person, that it would stop, and even threatening that I'd have to pay $55 for the service call because nothing was wrong.

Do NOT believe them, and insist on this fix, if you have the almost gun-shot loud snaps and pops from the fridge. Very good news. I spoke to a Samsung rep told her our 2 issues, popping and water/ice under crisper drawers. Mentioned the posts about bad customer service and many of the other comments posted. I received great service and courtesy service and parts for the 2 refrigerators.

Samsung is very aware of their reputation and I believe are anxious to assist. I was told when I first called that the noise was normal due to the cooling and heating of the plastic.


The rep I spoke to this time did not dry to brush me off or justify the problems. It took a while on the phone but is well worth it. The repair person comes tomorrow.