Id Works Datacard Serial Number Crackers

Welcome, my hacker novitiates! As part of, I want to demonstrate another excellent piece of hacking software for cracking WPA2-PSK passwords. In my last post, we. In this tutorial, we'll use a piece of software developed by wireless security researcher Joshua Wright called cowpatty (often stylized as coWPAtty). This app simplifies and speeds up the dictionary/hybrid attack against WPA2 passwords, so let's get to it! Need a wireless network adapter? For this to work, we'll need to use a compatible wireless network adapter.

  1. Datacard Id Works Manual
  2. Datacard Id Works

Check out our 2017 list of Kali Linux and Backtrack compatible wireless network adapters in the link above, or you can grab. Step 1: Find Cowpatty Cowpatty is one of the hundreds of pieces of software that are included in the suite of software. For some reason, it was not placed in the /pentest/wireless directory, but instead was left in the /usr/local/bin directory, so let's navigate there. cd /usr/local/bin Because cowpatty is in the /usr/local/bin directory and this directory should be in your PATH, we should be able to run it from any directory in BackTrack. Step 2: Find the Cowpatty Help Screen To get a brief rundown of the cowpatty options, simply type:. cowpatty. Step 4: Start a Capture File Next, we need to start a capture file where the hashed password will be stored when we capture the 4-way handshake.

airodump-ng -bssid 00:25:9C:97:4F:48 -c 9 -w cowpatty mon0 This will start a dump on the selected AP ( 00:25:9C:97:4F:48), on the selected channel ( -c 9) and save the the hash in a file named cowcrack. Step 5: Capture the Handshake Now when someone connects to the AP, we'll capture the hash and airdump-ng will show us it has been captured in the upper right-hand corner.

As you can see in the screenshot above, cowpatty is generating a hash of every word on our wordlist with the SSID as a seed and comparing it to the captured hash. When the hashes match, it dsplays the password of the AP.

Step 7: Make Your Own Hash Although running cowpatty can be rather simple, it can also be very slow. The password hash is hashed with SHA1 with a seed of the SSID. This means that the same password on different SSIDs will generate different hashes.

This prevents us from simply using a rainbow table against all APs. Cowpatty must take the password list you provide and compute the hash with the SSID for each word. This is very CPU intensive and slow.

Cowpatty now supports using a pre-computed hash file rather than a plain-text word file, making the cracking of the WPA2-PSK password 1000x faster! Pre-computed hash files are available from the, and these pre-computed hash files are generated using 172,000 dictionary file and the 1,000 most popular SSIDs. As useful as this is, if your SSID is not in that 1,000, the hash list really doesn't help us. In that case, we need to generate our own hashes for our target SSID.

We can do this by using an application called genpmk. We can generate our hash file for the 'darkcode' wordlist for the SSID 'Mandela2' by typing:. genpmk -f /pentest/passwords/wordlists/darkc0de.lst -d hashes -s Mandela2. Is it possible to get a Wifi password from an iphone?

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You see I have the Wifi password saved in my phone but it's hidden I've been searching the net to find anything that I could download to try to get this password but so far I've come up empty handed. As far as I can tell you have have your phone jailbroken to even attempt it and mine isn't. So if there's anyone out there that can help me. I'll be checking back just incase I want to play my games on PS3.

It's been a whole months = Thank you Sookie Reply. Ive reached all the way to the end, but when I try to run cowpatty I get 'End of pcap capture file, incomplete four-way exchange. Try using a different capture'. Does this mean i have to redo the process? I am sure i got the hand shake, ive tried both methods, waiting for someone to conmect and by deauthenticating them. Both timess it said I got the handshake on the top left and it was on the correct bssid adress. What should I do.

I also noticed the command '-c' 'check for valid 4-way frames, does not crack'. How do I use this and can this help me? What should I do. Using backtrack5r3 Reply.

Hi still a noob at this and haven't successfully cracked yet but I'm in the process of one right now. Using rock you.txt and a custom dictionary i found around the net. Going on 30 hours now still running the word list. I was wondering if its ok to disconnect my wifi adapter from the computer that is running this attack. I would like to use it on another computer to try another method while the original computer keeps aircrack-Ng.

Can I do this? It had the hand shake spread. Or does the adapter need to stay in place for the attack to keep collecting data? Thanks for ready any any answers ahead of time. Cowpatty cab be installed on Ubuntu 12.10?? Is it able to crack hotspot configured on Linux to act as an AP?

I configure a hotspot on my Linux machine to act as an AP and try to crack the hotspot from other Linux machine using reaver but what I get for more than 10 hours is just as below, any help:. 0.00% complete. (0 seconds/pin). 0.00% complete. (0 seconds/pin) same cracking steps were done directly on WIfi AP instead of hotspot and I was able to get the WPA 2 key. Why it doesn't work with hotspot?!!

Pleeeeeeease help? Greetings, # sp00f wlan0 and mon0 MAC (optional or mandatory???). airmon-ng stop mon0. ifconfig wlan0 down. macchanger -A wlan0.

airmon-ng start wlan0. ifconfig mon0 down. macchanger -A mon0. ifconfig mon0 up. airmon-ng check ##Check for PIDs that you should kill # Reaver assoc thru aireplay.

Run aireplay in one terminal, open another and run reaver. aireplay-ng mon0 -1 120 -a B:S:S:I:D:xx -e SSID #new terminal. reaver -i mon0 -A -b B:S:S:I:D:xx -v I have more reaver tips straight from my Red playbook.;-p Will this work any better? The new firmware in routers is making reaver null. However luck and old hardware will be on your side sometimes. Nice tut, OTW. However, I got struck with a major snafu.

I'm operating Kali on USB: Live (686-pae) Just a few seconds after the command, 'airmon-ng start wlan0', both the modem and the network broke down and I couldn't progress past the first step. Also, only my network was displayed on the console (see screenshot). Subsequently, I removed the data card from the modem and inserted it into my droid and it's working. However, the modem (Micromax MMX219W Speedhub) has died. Could it be possible that this command somehow killed or shorted the modem or is it because I was hacking without the proper kit (adapters, etc)? Please revert at your earliest convenience.

Is there any wordlist to download i did everystep step by step. Just dont see the wordlists other folks are using. I already tried every wordlist they already have in kali but only 2 of the work. This is crazy then when i used one of the wordlist they used it said cant find the psk and the passphrase list need to be longer i waited and waited til it stop and still got the same i did genpmk and the cowpatty the right way idk if its my wordlists i need, and sometimes i notice it say wlan0, wlan0mon wlan1 do i used the one that says adapter i used it and wlan0.

Idk why it not working Reply.

The topic of this article may not meet Wikipedia's. Please help to establish notability by citing that are of the topic and provide significant coverage of it beyond its mere trivial mention. If notability cannot be established, the article is likely to be,. Find sources: – (January 2014) In the, the term ' Robot Master' refers to a special kind of or that possesses a very advanced level of. There are roughly one hundred thirty six Robot Masters. According to seriesthe Robot Master AI system is jointly credited to and. Most Robot Masters possess a unique identification code, consisting of a two-letter 'series code' followed by one of N, No, or #, then a three-digit 'serial number' (except for the Genesis Unit, which uses two digits).

Robot Masters have AIs vastly superior to the smaller, minor robots within the Mega Man universe. This, even more than their generally humanoid appearance (Sniper Joes are also humanoid in appearance, yet obviously inferior to Robot Masters) is what separates Robot Masters from other advanced robots. They often are designed with a particular strength or element in mind, thus allowing them to thrive in specific environments. Robot Masters tend to be programmed with human-like personalities and quirks, advanced enough to fool most people into believing them to think and act of their own accord. However, this is not true, as the states X as the first robot to truly be able to think for himself. Robot Masters have a certain capability of thought and will—this allows them to be decisive on the battlefield, yet cannot generally operate beyond certain guidelines.

There have been some exceptions, but every one of these occurrences has been explained in some way—such as the robot being faulty to begin with or could have malfunctioned due to damage incurred. NOTE: Some of these Robot Masters have counterparts in the series. The ones that have them will be noted. It must also be noted that the term 'Robot Master' is not used in Japan.

Main article: RKN is the series code for 'Rockman Killers'. In the English versions, they were called 'Mega Man Hunters' in the games for the, but 'Megaman Killers' in Mega Man & Bass. Regardless, the code remained the same. Each RKN robot is named after a. While considered as an analog, Quint is technically not part of the RKN series. Similarly, Terra is also an analog but is part of the SRN series of Stardroids as he was not designed by Wily.

Series Number Weapon RKN-001 Enker (エンカー) Mirror Buster (ミラーバスター) RKN-002 Punk (パンク) Screw Crusher (スクリュークラッシャー) RKN-003 Ballade (バラード) Ballade Cracker (バラードクラッカー) SRN series SRN is the series code for the 'Space Rulers' that appeared in. The Space Rulers were called 'Stardroids' in the English releases. Each SRN robot is named after one of the nine in the, following definitions as of the time of Mega Man V's release.

( was redesignated as a in August 2006.) None of the SRN Robot Masters have Net Navi counterparts. Series Number Short Description Weapon SRN-001 Terra ( Earth) (アース) The leader of the Stardroids, Terra is very greedy and self-centered. His Spark Chaser has two forms: a high-damage laser beam or a ball of electricity that follows an opponent and deals moderate damage every time it hits.

He can also teleport and fire a ring that paralyzes opponents. He is immune to almost everything, even Mega Man's standard charged shot. Only the charged Mega Arm and Uranus' Deep Digger have been proven to be able to damage him. Despite being named after the earth goddess of Roman mythology, Terra is male. Spark Chaser (スパークチェイサー) SRN-002 Mercury (マーキュリー) Mercury is a logistics coordinator, a kleptomaniac and a follower of communism. His powers reference his planet's name in Japanese, 'water star' ( 水星, Suisei), as he is able to transform from solid to liquid or vice versa much like the Yellow Devil. His only means of ranged attack is the Grab Buster, a spark of light than can absorb a foe's energy and restore his health or be used to steal a powerup.

Grab Buster/ Snatch Buster (スナッチバスター) SRN-003 Venus (ビーナス) Venus is the grumpy weapons manufacturer of the Stardroids. He fires his weapon, the Bubble Bomb, in two sizes; the small ones can home in on a target, but the large ones are stationary.

Like Burst Man's Danger Wrap, these bubbles are composed of highly volatile and toxic chemicals. He bears a distinct resemblance to Toad Man from Mega Man 4, though he is modelled after a crab instead of a toad. Bubble Bomb (バブルボム) SRN-004 Mars (マース) Mars is well armed with a number of weapons. He can fire several types of missiles, a powerful autocannon of strength comparable to the Mega Buster, or perform an invincible dash, leaving landmines in the path behind him.

His most powerful attack is the Photon Missile, a powerful high-speed rocket that slices through anything once in motion. Mars' design bears a resemblance to Napalm Man from Mega Man 5. Notably, both of them have the same-shaped head and are mounted on tank-like treads. Photon Missile (フォトンミサイル) SRN-005 Jupiter (ジュピター) Jupiter rules the sky, though ironically he has no control over the weather.

Like Tengu Man from Mega Man 8, he has a pair of powerful jet engines that allow him to fly and perform extreme maneuvers. Originally, Jupiter was equipped with an electromagnetic bomb with a yield of several megatons, but, feeling it was too dangerous for him to use in combat, he modified it to channel energy for his then-secondary attack, the Electric Shock, a powerful thunder bolt rivaling Elec Man's Thunder Beam in strength. He can also fired a spread of sparks from his arm cannon. Jupiter has a dislike of explosives, possibly attributed to the fact that Venus' Bubble Bomb is his weakness. He is modeled after a falcon. Electric Shock (エレクトリックショック) SRN-006 Saturn (サターン) Saturn, like his mythological namesake, has control over time and space.

His Black Hole generates a void that obliterates most enemies and fires a powerful ring of energy blasts as a secondary attack. He can also stop time and slide, being one of four characters in the entire classic series to have this ability (the others are Mega Man, Proto Man, and Shadow Man). Saturn ironically has a dislike of all things electronic (as he is a robot) due to the fact Jupiter's Electric Shock is his weakness. Black Hole (ブラックホール) SRN-007 Uranus (ウラノス) Uranus's attacks are earth-based, despite being named after the in Roman mythology. Shaped like a bull, he is the largest and strongest of the Stardroids by far and is capable of hurling huge rocks or causing a fatal cave-in with a single high jump. Almost paradoxically, Uranus also boasts supreme speed and agility for a robot of his size, being able to cover his boss chamber in a single leap and charging across the same distance at incredible speed. Uranus is also quite tough, taking minimal damage from most attacks and surviving his own weapon with minimal damage.

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His attack pattern is similar to that of Guts Man. Deep Digger (ディープディガー) SRN-008 Pluto (プルート) Pluto is modeled after a leopard. He can use his claws to slash the enemy, fire homing missiles, or launch short-range fireballs. His Break Dash renders him invincible, which he uses to speed towards a foe to destroy them up close or for protection.

He also uses his agility to reach places where he can imperviously attack his enemy, using his tail to cling to walls or ceilings. Wily used his design as the basis for Slash Man from Mega Man 7. Break Dash (ブレイクダッシュ) SRN-009 Neptune (ネプチューン) Neptune is an aquatic Robot Master.

He is the second-largest of the Stardroids after Uranus and is heavy enough to cause the ground to shake by jumping high. His Salt Water projectiles can split into three smaller ones upon hitting a wall and dissolve most known materials, including Mars' tough armor. The reason Neptune is last in the SRN series isntead of Pluto is because at the time of the game's development and release, Neptune's orbit had taken it further from the Sun than Pluto. Salt Water (ソルトウォーター) MWN series MWN is the series code for the 'Megaworld Corps' that appeared in. In Mega Man & Bass, they are referred to as the 'Genesis Unit'. Each MWN robot is based on a character from the Chinese epic work.

Series Number Short Description MWN-01 Buster Rod.G Leader of the Megaworld army. The G is for Son Gokū, the Japanese reading of the name. Like the character he is named after, he resembles a monkey and uses an extendable staff as a weapon. Buster Rod also has the ability to duplicate himself an endless number of times and is extremely agile. He also uses a standard arm cannon. He must be fought twice to be successfully defeated. MWN-02 Mega Water.S Head of the Megaworld Army Mental Ops.

The S is for Sagojō, the Japanese reading of the name. He shoot harpoons and pushes his targets afar with water.

MWN-03 Hyper Storm.H Boar-shaped leader of the Megaworld Army Physical Ops. The H is for Cho Hakkai, the Japanese reading of the name. He attacks by using his breath to pull in, or push off and shoot his target, as well as making Mets fall. He is the only Robot Master that has two energy meters. Mega Man (PC) These Robot Masters appeared in the of Mega Man.

Series Number Short Description Weapon Dyna Man Dyna Man's level is an explosives factory. He is a master of explosives.

He is weak to Volt Man's Force Field. Nuclear Detonator Sonic Man Sonic Man's level is a marine laboratory.

He is an expert in the field of sonar. He is weak to Dyna Man's Nuclear Detonator. Sonic Wave Volt Man Volt Man's level is a hydroelectric dam.

He controls electricity. He is weak to Sonic Man's Sonic Wave.

Force Field Mega Man 3 (PC) These Robot Masters appeared in the of Mega Man 3. Series Number Short Description Weapon Shark Man Shark Man's level is underwater, and his design is based on.

He is weak to Bit Man's Bit Cannon. His in-game sprite is based on Crash Man. He is the only robot of this franchise to have a NetNavi counterpart. Shark Boomerang Wave Man Wave Man's level is a cargo ship. Wave Man resembles Air Man, except for whereas Air Man had a turbine on his chest, Wave Man has six circles. He is weak to Oil Man's Oil Stream. He is not the same Wave Man who later appears in Mega Man 5.

Water Shooter Torch Man Torch Man's level is, oddly enough, in a flower-filled sewer. Even though he is fought in a water-filled room, he is weak to Wave Man's Water Shooter.

His sprite is based on Magnet Man. Torch Arm Bit Man Bit Man's level is a flying fortress. Bit Man was supposed to look like Spark Man, but his in-game sprite on the level select screen more resembles a yellow Hard Man. His weapon is the Bit Cannon, and he is weak to Torch Man's Torch Arm.

Bit Cannon Blade Man Blade Man's level select screen sprite resembles Metal Man, to whom he also attacks similarly. His level is a water treatment facility. He is weak to Shark Man's Shark Boomerang. He is not the same Blade Man seen in Mega Man 10. Blade Launcher Oil Man Oil Man vaguely resembles Flash Man, but otherwise the two have no relation.

Oil Man's stage is an oil refinery. He is weak to Blade Man's Blade Launcher.

He is not the same as the Oil Man in Mega Man: Powered Up. Oil Stream Special series Generally, these robots have unknown or special origins, and have unique numbers or no number at all. Series Number Short Description Weapon Doc Robot ( Docman) A strange robot that has the ability to mimic the traits and abilities of other robots.

It appeared in where Dr. Wily used eight of them to distract Mega Man while he tried to steal Gamma. In each battle, one of the Doc Robots mimics the attacks and movements of a Robot Master from. Though called Doc Robot in the English versions of Mega Man 3, the robot's Japanese name, Dokurobotto, actually translates to 'Skull Robot', reflecting the series' physical appearance. Various Mega Man 2 weapons Dark Man (ダークマン) Designed as another cover for his schemes, Dr. Wily copied Proto Man's data and programmed it into Dark Man, who was the presumed leader of an army of Robot Masters in.

He has the ability to don the appearance of others, and he is battle-capable. Later he was destroyed by Mega Man after being revealed as a fake by the real Proto Man. There are four forms that Dark Man takes: the first being a tank-like shooter, the second a barrier-using walker, the third a walking shooter that attacks in tandem with immobilizing projectiles, and the fourth is imperfectly disguised as Proto Man until the real one blasts away his disguise. This form is an amalgam of the previous three, which used enhanced versions of their abilities, with the total exception of the immobilizing projectiles used by the third version. The disguising of the fourth Dark Man as Proto Man is a reference to the movie of the same name. SWN-001 Bass ( Forte) (フォルテ).

Main article: Sakugarne (サクガーン) Sunstar ( Sungod) An extremely powerful and advanced android of extraterrestrial origins discovered by Wily. He commands incredible power, but exists only to destroy.

Datacard Id Works Manual

He refuses to obey Wily's orders upon being activated and, after shooting down the watching scientist, challenges Mega Man to a final battle. In his final moments, Sunstar finds himself questioning his existence after Mega Man refuses to finish him, though his systems are too critically damaged for it to make any difference. He is one of the few characters that have been the final boss of a game in the original series besides Dr. King A -themed robot created by Dr. Wily to eventually use as a cover for one of his schemes for world domination. He considers himself to be quite intellectual, and desires to unite all robots under his rule. Although built and controlled by Wily, King actually has a sense of nobility, which shines through during his final moments.

It is revealed in Mega Man's ending that King is still alive and wishes to atone for the trouble he had caused. Chest One of three announcer robots for the Battle and Chase racing tournament. Chest is the 'anchor' of the group. He is largely absent from the American and European versions. None Plum Plum is the second of the three Battle and Chase announcers. She is a mobile interviewer, equipped with high-speed wheels on both feet to cover the races from the ground. None Report The diminutive aerial reporter for the Battle and Chase tournament.

He works with Plum and Chest to cover the tournament. None NWN-001 Ra Thor A underdeveloped character who is the penultimate boss of. He is an extraterrestrial robot built by Ra Moon, along with fellow creation, the, or Ra Devil. He is the only New Wily Number in existence, although there is debate as to whether should be under the same category. In Mega Man Powered Up, if the player plays as one of the boss Robot Masters, Dr. Wily will apparently steal Mega Man as well. However, on the stage select screen, there is a question mark after his name, and after choosing him, Dr.

Wily's 'W' symbol appears next to his name, rather than Dr. Light's 'L' symbol, as is the case with the other Robot Masters. His appearance differs slightly from that of the real Mega Man: his helmet has a triangle instead of a square, his pupils are thinner, he wears a purple scarf, and he is prone to bearing a psychotic expression on his face.

Resembles Mega Buster, only his shots are green. Copy Robot Although appearing to be merely an exact replica of Mega Man in the original Mega Man game, in Mega Man Powered Up it is revealed as a robot who can copy the appearance, abilities, but at the same time also the weaknesses of any adversary. Whatever weapon the original has. Fake Man (フェイクマン) A fake police robot created by Dr. Wily, it is the boss of the downloadable Special Stage from.

He uses a revolver-type arm cannon in combat and is quite agile. Dimensions series A mysterious robot force which serves Rockman Shadow, a prototype robot based on early Mega Man redesigns (Quint). They arrived from the future and destroyed Symphony City. Although they do not have a specific series code, they are known collectively as the Dimensions.

These RMs appear in the game. Name Weapon given to Mega Man Weapon given to Bass Dangan Man (ダンガンマン) Rock Vulcan (ロックバルカン) Forte Vulcan (フォルテバルカン) Konro Man (コンロマン) Flame Shower (フレイムシャワー) Flame Mixer (フレイムミキサー) Aircon Man (エアコンマン) Barrier Wind (バリアウィンド) Forte Cyclone (フォルテサイクロン) Komusou Man (コムソウマン) Doppel Crush (ドッペルクラッシュ) Doppler Attack (ドップラーアタック) Clock Men (クロックメン) Time Switch (タイムスイッチ) Time Bomb (タイムボム) Compass Man (コンパスマン) None None Rockman Strategy Series Number Short Description Weapon A -like Constellation Droid who Mega Man encounters at the Iron Works in Mongolia. Aries is accompanied by Bomb Man and Flame Man. Heat Wave A water-bearer Constellation Droid who Mega Man encounters on the African Coast. Storm Surge A -like Constellation Droid who Mega Man encounters on the floating islands in the Indian Ocean. Cancer is accompanied by Elec Man and Spark Man. Bubble Beam A -like Constellation Droid who Mega Man encounters in Africa.

Datacard Id Works

Flaming Sword A Constellation Droid that's one half female, one half male. His weapon is inspired by Gemini Man's attack. Mega Man encounters him in a mine in India. Gemini is accompanied by Guts Man and Metal Man. Twin Laser A -like Constellation Droid who Mega Man encounters in an erupting volcano in Borneo. Leo is accompanied by Heat Man and Napalm Man. Whirlwind A scales-like Constellation Droid who Mega Man encounters in the Great Indian Desert.

Libra is accompanied by Cut Man and Hard Man. Ray A Robot Master with a for a bottom. Mega Man encounters Pisces on the coasts of the Caspian Sea. Hydro Cannon A winged -like Constellation Droid. His design is based on Centaur Man.

Mega Man encounters Sagittarius in northern Africa. His weapon is Blazing Arrow. Blazing Arrow A -like Constellation Droid who Mega Man encounters on a Flying Fortress over the Pacific Ocean. Scorpio is accompanied by Cloud Man and Yamato Man.

Hail Storm A -like Constellation Droid who Mega Man encounters on the Chinese Coast. Taurus is accompanied by Frost Man and Ice Man.

Sandstorm A virgin-like Constellation Droid who Mega Man encounters on a sunken highway in the Pacific Ocean. Virgo is accompanied by Bubble Man and Freeze Man. Maelstrom Apollo Leader of the Constellation Droids along with Luna. NA Luna Leader of the Constellation Droids along with Apollo. NA Planned Robot Masters 'Bond Man' - Bond Man was designed by Keiji Infuane along with the first six robot masters of the first Mega Man game, but, due to the technical limitations of the NES, only six robot masters could go into the final game, so out of the seven that already been designed, Bond Man got cut.

He was originally designed to help with dangerous jobs, like the 6 robots of the first game, and he would use industrial strength glue to bond objects that needed bonding (hence the name). Because of his obscurity and the fact that he has never appeared in any Mega Man game ever, he is considered somewhat of a legend among Mega Man fans, particularly the ones in Japan. Other media LMN Series The LMN series is a line of Robot Masters created by Dr. Noele Lalinde, a character exclusive to the Mega Man series from. The first robot of this line is LMN-001, known in her civilian form as Tempo and in her armored form as Quake Woman. Created as an excavation robot, Quake Woman was injured during a cave in, and Dr.

Lalinde was horrified by the thought of losing the robot she thought of as a daughter. In an effort to distance herself from her creation, Lalinde removed Quake Woman's emotions, but eventually realized that her feelings for Tempo remained. She subsequently restored Quake Woman's emotions and aided her in the process of rediscovering them. Quake Woman has been an ally to both Mega Man and Roll, as well as confronting over his bitterness towards Dr. Lalinde later constructed second robot, LMN-002 AKA Vesper Woman, a wasp-themed robot designed for pollination and botanical cataloging, whose design was an abandoned concept for the Robot Master Hornet Man.

EWN Series EWN is the series code for the Roboticized Masters that appeared in the storyline, Worlds Collide, which is a 12 issue crossover between series, and Mega Man. The term Roboticized Masters comes from a mix of Robot Masters and Roboticization (the process of turning a living being into a robot) from the Sonic the Hedgehog comics. During the storyline, Dr. Wily joined forces with 's nemesis in the hopes of conquering both their respective worlds and planned to gather the to do so.

To ensure victory, the two doctors captured and roboticized the friends of Sonic the Hedgehog. The roboticization process was Dr. Eggman's doing, while Roboticized Masters were designed in a similar fashion to the Robot Masters. Though as per Eggman's methods, they lack personality.

An additional benefit of the combination of their tech is that the Roboticized Masters can travel between worlds freely as traveling between dimensions require the traveler to be in the company of that world's resident (i.e. Needing to be in the company of, or vice versa). Is the first to undergo the roboticization. Though he is disabled when Mega Man fires a Mega Buster shot, followed by Sonic's Spin Dash Attack, then cured when Mega Man copies his weapon data. Tails upon learning this later modifies the Mega Buster to have the same frequency of the Spin Dash Attack. Each time one of the Roboticized Masters is restored to their original form, they leave behind an orb, which empowers Mega Man with the Master Weapon they originally held. During the second crossover, Worlds Unite, Wily and Eggman captured both Mega Man and Sonic with the intent of putting them under their control on behalf of (though both scientists secretly plan to betray the reploid).

Mega Man was converted into an Eggman style robot referred to as M'egga Man, while Sonic was turned into a Roboticized Master going by the name Sonic Man. Both successfully installed Sigma's Unity Engines in each other's respective dimension, causing both worlds to merge. Series Number Short Description Weapon(s) Tails Man Roboticized Master version of Miles 'Tails' Prower. First to be roboticized and the first to be cured. Tail Wind Rose Woman Roboticized Master version of. Mega Man attempts to stop her with the Psycho Burst, but with no luck.

He manages to wear her down with the Fire Tornado and Spin Dash Shot. Piko Hammer Knuckles Man Roboticized Master version of. Mega Man finds Knuckles Man to be a challenge, having gone through weapons such as the Acoustic Blaster and Rapid Stinger. He finds the newly acquired Piko Hammer to be successful and manages to defeat Knuckles with the Spin Dash Shot. Sharp Knuckle Shadow Man Roboticized Master version of. Along with Dr.

Wily's Shadow Man, pursued Mega Man and Sonic the Hedgehog. Mega Man ambushes the Roboticized Shadow Man with the Chroma Camo and uses Tail Wind before defeating him with the Spin Dash Shot.

Chaos Cannon Vector Man Roboticized Master version of. He is the first Roboticized Master to be defeated by Mega Man's Spin Dash Shot. Acoustic Blaster Charmy Man Roboticized Master version of. He's defeated with the Acoustic Blaster and Spin Dash Shot.

Rapid Stinger Espio Man Roboticized Master version of. Espio Man proves to be hard to locate due to his camouflage ability, but is found by Rush and defeated by the Spin Dash Shot. Chroma Camo Silver Man Roboticized Master version of. He is defeated by the Spin Dash Shot. Psycho Burst Blaze Woman Roboticized Master version of.

She's restrained by Silver the Hedgehog long enough for Mega Man to use the Spin Dash Shot. Fire Tornado Rouge Woman Roboticized Master version of. She is the last of the Roboticized Masters and briefly leads an army of time cloned Robot Masters before Mega Man restores her to normal. Black Wave Sonic Man Roboticized Master version of Sonic the Hedgehog. Like the roboticized Shadow, he shares his name with a previously existing Robot Master. Unlike the other RMs, he contains multiple weapons.

He was given the task to plant a Unity Engine in Mega Man's world under Sigma's command. Both he and M'egga Man are cured when they fire their weapons upon each other (as a result of Dr. Eggman and Wily hoping for them to pursue Sigma). Spin Slash Spin Dasher Fire Dasher Thunder Dasher Energy Shield Ring Launcher Homing Shot Spring Shield Shadow Man, Silver Man and Blaze Woman are the only ones to be given a specified number which respectively are EWN-003, EWN-004 and EWN-005. See also. References. ^ Paugh, Miranda L.

Retrieved 2008-09-27. ^ Paugh, Miranda L. Retrieved 2008-09-27. ^ Hoffman, Chris. 'True Blue'.

231 (August 2008): 20–22. access-date= requires url=. ^. Archived from on 2008-10-16.

Retrieved 2016-04-13. Archived from on 2011-07-16. Retrieved 2008-09-12. ^ Matt Casamassina (2008-08-11). Retrieved 2008-08-29.

^ Jason Young (2008-08-12). Archived from on 2013-02-21. Retrieved 2008-08-25. Light was taken away by the police, was he not? That wasn't a real officer; It was a fake police robot I created. Light is in the next room, but he fell ill so he's sleeping now. You have to hurry and get him to a hospital!.

Mega Man #24 (Worlds Collide, Part 1). Mega Man #25 (Worlds Collide, Part 4). ^ Sonic the Hedgehog #249 (Worlds Collide, Part 6). Sonic Universe #76 (Worlds Unite, Part 1). Sonic Boom #8 (Worlds Unite, Part 2). Sonic the Hedgehog #273 (Worlds Unite, Part 3).

^ Sonic Universe #53 (Worlds Collide, Part 8). ^ Mega Man #26 (Worlds Collide, Part 7). Sonic the Hedgehog #250 (Worlds Collide, Part 9). Mega Man #50 (Worlds Unite, Part 4).